Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Random Iceland

Reykjavik lighthouse

Spent the day with Magnus, the Icelandic farmer/historian, who taught me about Basque whaling in early 17th century.  He financed an archaeological dig that proved French and Spanish explorers were whaling before Icelanders, debunking the argument for proponents of whaling who claim the slaughtering of whales as Icelandic tradition.  Absolute legend.

Biggest moon of the year.  70-200 mm with an 1.4X teleconverter.

Icelandic Youth.

Pretty typical sighting along these roads...I feel you, bro.

Windblown mountains with a perfect slope.

My friend, Aubrey!

Sometimes you gotta be a voyeur.

I like random.

It's just funny.

Icelandic Independence Day.  You know there was a bouncy too.  

Retro Stefson on Icelandic Independence Day.

Painting a photograph by dragging a slow shutter speed.

Earth's greatest football pitch.

Wish I knew a bit more about geology...

Driving around Iceland can be a real drag.  It's so heinous it hurts my eyes.

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